Establishment of MABO
1 June 1967. 30-year-old Adolf Bogacki decided to open a metal working workshop in Szczecin-Zdroje. He had no capital, no backing from partners or investors, but he had a huge passion for creating great things in his craft. In a small garage, but having great enthusiasm for work, he started his first business practically from scratch. He was supported only by his closest family, his wife Marianna and two small children, for whose better future he was ready to work hard. If you are wondering where the name of the company comes from, we have an interesting fact for you - the name of the company is strongly family-oriented - MABO, it is Marianna, Adolf Bogacki.
The first two decades of operation were coarse years, especially for entrepreneurs, the so-called private enterprise. In those days, the business could not grow as fast as the founder wanted it to, despite occasional announcements from the authorities of the time that they would turn on the green light, it never happened. Today it is difficult to understand that without a permit, a private entrepreneur could not even hire workers. In those days, the growth of companies had to be controlled. The success of MABO in the first years of its activity was the production of parts for agricultural machinery and the provision of all kinds of metal working services.

A breakthrough in the company's development
That year was a breakthrough in the life of the company thanks to establishing permanent cooperation in the field of machining with a German company operating in the then GDR. MABO did businesss with this company for another 20 years! The development of the company needed space, so the owner decided to move to a larger shop in Dąbrowskiego Street.
Manufacture of satellite dishes
When Adolf Bogacki realized his idea of producing satellite dishes, the company's business started to grow significantly again. The idea, the technical development and the organization of production - the whole know-how is due to the founder of the company. At the time, he was a full-time producer, salesman and delivery truck driver. The largest production was for Sweden, Poland and the Ukraine. Over the years, sales also began in Germany, Greece, Yugoslavia, Serbia and Belarus. Production of satellite dishes continued until Poland entered the Schengen Area (2007).
The production of satellite dishes allowed for large investments, thanks to which the company grew significantly. Among other things, new land was purchased in Mierzyn, on which production shops equipped with new machinery were built, the company was certified, and the investment in technical staff was made. Over one million satellite dishes had been produced since 1985 until we entered the Shengen Zone.
New headquarters
Relocation of the company's operations to newly built shops in Mierzyn. Since then, the company has not only gained additional space to develop its production, but also modern machinery with which to provide new services. The company's headquarters have not changed since then.
Extension of operations - Hot-dip galvanizing plant
MABO expanded its operations, adding the hot-dip galvanizing The investment included a zinc bath and a chemical pickling plant. Employment in the company exceeds 100 people.
Extension of operations - powder coating shop
A powder coating shop was established, thanks to which the company can provide comprehensive services to its customers. The investment includes, among others, the purchase of firing furnaces and special equipment.
2000 - 2006
Employment growth
At the turn of the years, MABO invests in new modern equipment, which allows it to diversify its offer with poles, gantries and traffic lights. The number of employees in 2006 exceeds 200.
Railway infrastructure
Start of research and development by a team of MABO engineers out in close cooperation with specialists from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. The research and development was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development, under the INNOTECH programme. The result of R&D work was a series of types of weightless tensioners of the overhead contact line, responding to the market demand and being a substitute for the traditional weight tensioners of the overhead contact line. The cooperation established as part of the project continues to this day.
New investments
Completion of two new investment projects with a total value of nearly PLN 7.1 million. The new projects are shops, the surface area of which will allow for even better development of production of upper catenary network elements (overhead line tensioner and suspensions). In the new shops there are also modern machines supporting production processes.